Thursday, November 19, 2009

Why it all began.

I am a 35 year old female on a journey to find a way, a true way, to lose weight, be healthy and live better. I have been on the fence for a few years about becoming a vegetarian. I rarely actually enjoy meat, but there are a few things that I really like occasionally; chicken parmesan, a good bacon cheeseburger, spaghetti w/meat sauce, sesame chicken... I think you get the idea.

These things I know for sure, I have bad reactions to MSG, aspartame, processed foods in boxes, paprika, chili powder, milk, at times sugar and the list seems to keep growing. I have been diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) and I.R. (Insulin Resistance). I have had a history of migraines since I was 6 years old. I have had hormone problems since I was very young and have never been able to sustain a pregnancy. I have been to many doctors and chiropractors over the years. The Chiropractor's did help with some of my headaches and backpain and the MD's just wanted to throw drugs my way to make me "feel" better, but I needed to do more. I felt that it was way past time for a food change.

More and more stories are coming out about certain foods (or lack of certain foods) helping people with diabetes, endemetriosis, PCOS, heart conditions, ADD, ADHD, depression and the list goes on and on and on. We really are killing ourselves with what we put in our mouths and the chemicals and additives added to those foods. God did not create our bodies to ingest and digest all of those chemicals, additives and man made things that we have all made part of our daily diets. It's no secret the the American diet is filled with unhealthy food and given to us in larger than life portions. We have been told carbs are bad, carbs are good, fat is bad, no you need some fat, sugar free, fat free and it goes on and on. So many people are very confused on what is considered "healthy". I know that when I went to Weight Watchers for a while they encouraged and sold foods that had many ingredients in them that I had already cut out of my diet. They say do not eat butter, rather eat these margarine types filled with chemicals because it saves you a few calories. I want to eat real food and I want to be able to pronounce the ingredients that are in the foods that I eat. Yes, I did lose some weight with Weight Watchers, but I was still having my headaches that would develop within 30 minutes of eating some of the "healthy" foods that were recommended. I just didn't feel good.

Eight years ago my husband came across a book called, "What The Bible Says About Healthy Living". He was in the military and deployed to another country at the time that he took the information in the book and applied it to his lifestyle. He lost about 30 pounds during that time and felt great. After that time he moved back to the states and adapted back to the American diet and you guessed it, the weight came back on. One of his hobbies became eating and one of my true loves is cooking, so we became a perfect pair. Over the years we had loaned our book out to a friend and it never made its way back home. I just purchased this book again and was happy to discover that there is now a cookbook applying the same principles.

Please keep in mind that these things that are mentioned in the Bible were written under the old Law that God had in place and because of Jesus we are no longer under this Law. However, it is clear that God knew what He was doing when He created our food supply and He had reasons for allowing us to eat certain things and having us avoid other things. Even when Keith did this before he didn't give up his coffee (which the books suggests) and he allowed himself a sugary dessert once a week (filled with stuff I'm positive that isn't good for us). You do not have to follow these principles, but I do believe that the more you apply to your diet and life the better you will feel and have more energy. Hence, being a cleaner vessel for Him to use.

Instead of doing this cold turkey I am phasing out some of the unhealthy ways that I have grown accustomed to. I would love to document and share my journey with you here. I have searched high and low for a blog devoted to this way of eating and I haven't found one, so here I am. I'm learning lots about what the Bible has to say and why. I hope you enjoy this as much as I am!

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